Treating Neck and Shoulder Posture With Acupuncture and Manual Therapy

Starting to hear the term ‘tech neck’? Due to our increasing use of computers and other devices our postures are starting to change. People are increasingly suffering from a less then ideal posture do to excessive use of devices these days. 

Signs which present from this include: a stiff and painful neck, shoulder pain, headaches, numbness in hands as well as challenges to our vision from the amount of hours we use our devices. These are all signs that our bodies are out of alignment and treatment is necessary.

Acupuncture and manual therapy are effective tools to correct and eliminate these symptoms. In addition to treating the direct strain and symptoms presenting, acupuncture is clinically proven to reduce stress, increase circulation, decrease inflammation and pain.

Acupuncture and manual therapy provide solutions to address immediate pain relief from ‘tech neck’ and a poor posture. In addition we will incorporate a wholistic treatment to address underlying issues including: improving quality of sleep, better digestion, stress management and increased immunity. 

Combining the above with prescribed Qigong exercises, to improve posture and retrain muscles to perform at their best capabilities, will assure success and improve health in all facets of your life. I look forward to assisting you on your road to elevated health and wellness.

Carol Reed, L.Ac., MSOM