
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine,  a rich and extensive history spanning more than 5000 years, views dis-ease as imbalances in energy (Qi) of the Body, Mind, and Spirit.  These imbalances, in Western society, are referred to as diagnoses such as stress, depression, anxiety, to name a few.  Acupuncture considers the entire system as a whole, employing thin filiform single-use needles, massage, energy work and herbal medicine to restore balance. In addition, manual therapies including TuiNa, Acupressure, Medical Qigong, Chi Nei Tsang, Cupping and Moxibustion will be added to create your own treatment plan.
  • Increases overall energy
  • Boosts immune system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Lowers stress and anxiety
  • Recalibrates hormonal systems
  • Insomnia
  • Digestive issues
  • Depression
  • Life transitions
  • Seasonal changes
  • Increases range of motion and stamina

Download: New Patient Intake Form (PDF) – Before your first session, download, print and fill out this form.

Treatments take place at the Fallbrook or Oceanside locations.

Pay online securely via Square
(with a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay):

For outside San Diego County, please contact to discuss travel fees.


Facial Acupuncture Treatment
60 minutes   $120

  • Organic and sustainably harvested botanicals especially matched to benefit the delicate skin of the face and neck.
  • Fine Japanese acupuncture facial needles and ayurvedic facial tools, chosen to assist refinement of the face and neck areas.
  • Focused work on rejuvenating the facial and neck areas, which encourages collagen and elastin generation.
  • Manuka honey mask to assist the healing of sun damaged skin, and facial sculpting tools to aid lymphatic drainage.
  • Recommended once a week for a series of 6 treatments.



Melissa P.Five Gold Stars

Carol is AWESOME. Her touch, intuition, and energy are extraordinary. I have seen Carol over the past 15 years for massage, acupuncture, reiki, sound healing, and breathwork. She is truly a remarkable healer and woman. I highly recommend her!

Elements of Tao